Come and Experience Vermont’s Introductory Wisdom School from Sunday, March 11, 2018 (4:00 PM) to Wedn

esday, March 14, 2018 (after lunch) at Rock Point in Burlington, VT.
What Is a Wisdom School?
“Wisdom Schools are a format for integral learning that’s based in some of the deepest roots for transformation and change in the Christian tradition. Wisdom schools are about awakening the yearning for a different kind of presence in the world and then developing the skills and the knowledge base to apply that, to transform your own life and the life of people around you.”
— Cynthia Bourgeault
Tapping into both ancient and emerging teachings, Wisdom Schools teach contemplative prayer, chant, conscious work, lectio divina (sacred reading) and embodied prayer and provide a community of practice to support the spiritual growth of participants.
About the Rev. Matthew Wright, Retreat Leader
The Rev. Matthew Wright is an Episcopal priest, writer, and retreat leader working to renew the Christian Wisdom tradition within a wider interspiritual framework. He serves as priest-in-charge at St. Gregory’s Episcopal Church in Woodstock, NY and is a teacher for Northeast Wisdom, a non-profit rooted in the teaching lineage of Cynthia Bourgeault. Matthew lives with his wife, Yanick, alongside the brothers of Holy Cross Monastery in West Park, NY.
The costs below are all-inclusive:
Single (as available) $366
Shared $272
Commuter $146
For those who must commute, full participation and timely arrival is essential and expected.
The residential setting of a Wisdom School helps to create a container of quiet and separation from our busy lives. This supports the inner process work which naturally arises from the teaching and practices with which we will be working.
Deadline March 1, 2018
The registration deadline is March 1, 2018. Register online at Or mail your registration form and deposit check to:
Tony Drapelick, Manager Bishop Booth Conference Center 20 Rock Point Road Burlington, Vermont 05408
Contact Michael Hechmer by email at or by phone at (802) 878-3725.