RTP Trails Grant for Trail Upgrades, Phase I, Summer-Fall 2017
Rock Point has received a $45,000 grant through the Vermont Agency of Natural Resources Recreational Trails Program (RTP). This grant requires a 20% match from Rock Point. Work this year will be on three top priority sections:
two bridges and a re-routing on the North side of Eagle Bay trail;
new boardwalk and re-routing on the Marsh Trail to North Beach; and
a re-routing of the trail from North Beach to the Parade Ground.
This work will prevent erosion and promote safety. Trail sections will be closed from time to time as the work is underway.
Conservation Easement with LCLT and Burlington Nears Completion
Twenty acres of Rock Point, the northeast portion of the property across from the diocesan offices, bordering the Burlington Bike Path, Burlington High School and the Arms Park will become part of a conservation easement with Lake Champlain Land Trust (LCLT). As part of this agreement, Burlington Parks & Recreation will assume the bulk of management costs as the land is formally opened to the public and trails are upgraded and more clearly defined.
Rock Point retains ownership and will be partner in a management plan with Burlington and LCLT. The goal of the Rock Point board is to place conservation principles and practices first.
Trail Passes: Day and Seasonal Passes Request for Support
As always, we invite you to enjoy the beauty of Rock Point from 8:00 a.m. to dusk, as well as to conserve the property. One way to do this is to purchase a pass, and stop by for a visit. Please click here to view suggested donations.