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Rock Point "Raises the Blade" for Healthy Soil

Anyone who knows Rock Point's Property Manager, Chuck Courcy, knows that he is committed to Rock Point's land and legacy like no other. Even after a recent hip surgery, it was hard to stop Chuck from getting outside to do the "little things" that make our property look great.

But for Chuck, and all the staff at Rock Point, maintaining our property is not just about looks. Rock Point's 130 acres are home to numerous rare species, a pollinator garden for our friends the butterflies and bees, and acres of responsibly managed land that borders Lake Champlain. It is the intersection with Lake Champlain that spurred our latest move - joining the many partners who have committed to "Raise the Blade" for healthy soil.

The "blade," in this case, refers to the blade of the lawn mowers that we use to keep the open grassy areas at Rock Point maintained. Keeping the blade at least 3 inches high, and allowing clippings to decompose in place, helps create healthier soil on significant portions of our property. This healthy soil is then better able to absorb water and filter out nutrients that could make their way to Lake Champlain (like phosphorus, which contributes to blue green algae blooms that we are also monitoring).

The truth is, Chuck has always mowed high because he knows it is good for our grass, our soil, and the creatures who call Rock Point home. Joining the "Raise the Blade" program is our way of making this commitment public and encouraging others to make the same commitment. Raising the blade is not just for large open spaces - it is also important for homeowners who are mowing any portion of grass on their property.

We hope you will join us in raising the blade, building healthy soil in Vermont and beyond, and protecting our lakes and streams for many years to come! Think of us when you do, and about the little steps we can all take to protect our environment.

Lawn to Lake is a collaborative program promoting healthy lawn and landscape practices to protect water resources in the Lake Champlain Basin. For more information on Raise the Blade, visit the Lawn to Lake website (where you can also learn about the "Don't P on your Lawn" Campaign which is equally compelling). Lawn to Lake is a collaborative program promoting healthy lawn and landscape practices to protect water resources in the Lake Champlain Basin.


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