Do you have a gift for hospitality?
Bishop Booth Conference Center Hosts embody the concept of radical hospitality. By “radical” we mean drastically different from ordinary practice, outside the norm, practices that exceed expectations, that go the second mile, that take welcoming the stranger to the max.
Like to welcome people ?
Lots of “front of the house” activities like this...

Do things to make them comfortable ?
And “back of the house” activities, too...

Consider volunteering as a Bishop Booth Conference Center (BBCC) Host at Rock Point…
Volunteer two or three hours, once a week, or every other week, or whatever works for you.
Wear a cool T-shirt that says you’re an official Rock Point Volunteer.
Help make Rock Point a “welcoming sanctuary in the heart of Burlington!”
Contact Jackie Arbuckle, Rock Point Volunteer Coordinator, at or 802-482-5367