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Spring Clean-Up - Volunteering at Rock Point

This past weekend, over 18 volunteers from CRAG-VT and UVM took part in a volunteer day at Rock Point. Led by Chuck Courcy, RP Property Manager, and accompanied by Paul Habersang, RP Executive Director, volunteers took to the trails to make various needed improvements. Projects included: spreading 8+ yards of mulch around the Parade grounds to delineate trails, 2 new sections of split rail fencing, bushing in many spur trails, cutting invasive buckthorn along trails as well as installing a new CRAG VT trail sign for the north gully trail. It was a day of hard work, with 78 cumulative hours of work tallied by midday!

As Pete Clark reflected, “I know the UVM crew got a lot out of it. They found it enriching, so I’m glad we were able to provide that experience. Furthermore, on behalf of CRAG-VT, we are grateful for the relationship we’ve developed and am thrilled that our efforts could be directed to such an unbelievable property. I look forward to our next trail day.”

To learn more about volunteering at Rock Point or setting up a group volunteer day for your organization, please feel free to reach out to Paul Habersang, We couldn’t do it without you and are so appreciative of all of our volunteers who help make this sanctuary a home! As a reminder, we’re always on the lookout for trail stewards…if you enjoy nature and are an avid hiker, we could certainly use your skills out on the trails!

We also encourage you to learn more about CRAG-VT, a not-for-profit (501(c)(3)) organization dedicated to preserving access and conservation of Vermont’s climbing resources, here.

. Many thanks to Pete Clark, Devin Farkas, the members of CRAG-VT, and UVM's outing club for their hard work!


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