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Worry Less, Cabin More: A Summer of Overnight Stays

Here on Rock Point, we had another very busy summer season with families who came to stay with us in our newly renovated cabins. In addition to families from around Vermont who chose to stay with us, we also hosted two family reunions with guests from Pennsylvania and New Hampshire! Both families took full advantage of hiking Rock Point's trail system, swam and enjoyed the warm waters of Eagle Bay, and retired in the evening to a crackling camp fire.

Later in August, Rock Point was host to fifteen exchange students from Chile and Argentina, guests of our partner, the Vermont Council on World Affairs. Both students and leaders stayed in our cabins and enjoyed a week of cultural immersion; studying Vermont's state government, experiencing new leadership programs, and just enjoying the local downtown Burlington scene. Finally, later in September, the Green Mountain Club will again return to Rock Point's cabins, as their team of trail stewards prepares Vermont State Parks for the fall and winter season. We had a great summer season on Rock Point and we look forward to welcoming guests back again next year!


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