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New from the Rock Point Gardens

We will experiment with a small Market Garden in 2018:  At its November meeting, the Rock Point Board approved a test for 2018. Isaac Bissell, a site coordinator for several years with the Burlington Area Community Gardens at Rock Point, will run the garden.  Situated on the newly regenerated ground to the east of the Diocesan Offices, this garden will focus on raising greens.  In exchange Isaac will host some classes on soil regeneration and will support other parts of our gardening efforts.  In connection with this project, a small group will investigate how we might set up a market stand to sell produce.

Solar Pollinator Project:  Funded by a $10,000 Creation Care grant from the Episcopal Church, this project has taken its first few steps in the conversion of our solar meadow into a habitat for pollinator friendly plants and an example and place of teaching about how we can help regenerate our land to support these vital creatures upon whom our food production depends.  See the attached video which shows details of the first phase.  Jackie Arbuckle, Volunteer Coordinator, is administering the project and we are looking for people interested in volunteering and being trained to serve as Pollinator Docents.  Separately we will be hosting interested school classes and community groups to introduce others in our community to this hopeful healthy way of healing our environment. Contact:

“Grow a Row” One of our land use goals is to share food with the hungry.  In 2018 all gardeners at Rock Point are required to grow a row, or in some way produce food to contribute to The Partners’ Pantry.  Each garden will have a marked section planted with seeds provided by us to produce food to be donate. We are seeking volunteers to help weed those marked rows, harvest the produce and preserve the food to share.  Jackie is serving to coordinate volunteer “Garden Keepers” to serve this mission.  If interested, contact her,


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