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Intentional Community Wisdom School Learning Our Lineage with Cynthia Bourgeault

The Rock Point Intentional Community (RPIC) Wisdom School is about to hold its third weekend, on April 4th -April 7th, Thursday afternoon to Sunday noon. This will be a participatory retreat meant for, but by no means limited to, those who are familiar with our Wisdom School spiritual work and wish to deepen their learning of this lineage. It will include teaching and practice to deepen and expand us in all three knowing centers - the head, the heart, and the movement.

Anchored with videotaped portions of Cynthia Bourgeault's talks from a Wisdom School at Kanuga, North Carolina,

our theme is the three-centered way of knowing of Cynthia’s teaching (including the Rule of Benedict) interspersed with wisdom practices such as lectio divina, sacred movement, contemplative prayer, chanting, conscious work and opportunities to have facilitated conversations around the topics.

We want to keep this time as relaxed, low key, and inexpensive as possible. No caterer has been hired and meals (Thurs. dinner, Fri.& Sat. continental breakfast & lunch, Sunday breakfast) will be prepared by some generous people who have offered to do this for us, but participants are expected to volunteer to help with setup and cleanup. There are no evening sessions planned except Thursday, nor are there dinners planned for Friday and Saturday. People who are staying at Bishop Booth or would like to have a communal meal are welcome to use the facility or eat out.

The cost is $180 per person. Registration is for the retreat only. If you wish to stay at the Bishop Booth Center, please contact: Tony Drapelick. Bishop Booth Conference Center. 20 Rock Point Rd. Burlington, VT 05408. 802-658.6233

We will invite a separate freewill offering to Northeast Wisdom and the Wisdom Way of Knowing, to support the work they do to produce tapes and lots of useful materials, as well as providing leaders who are helping us build our Rock Point wisdom community.

A full schedule, costs and registration information follows. Please contact our Registrar, Carol Snow at if you have questions.

We are on the honor system and no deposit is required with your registration, but cancellations after March 29 will be billed for food.

Wisdom Practice Circles are at the Rock Point Center in St. Michael’s Chapel on the first Thursday from 5:30-7:30pm. And the fourth Monday from 5-7 pm. Anyone is welcome, with or without experience.


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