As many parents know, the start of the new year can be the best time to plan for the summer. With more than 380 summer camps listed in Vermont, it can take some time to research them all. Now entering its 88th year, Rock Point Camp is a KidsVT Staff Pick and a well-established community where youth learn to care for creation, neighbor, and self, while having fun on our 130 acres of land adjacent to Lake Champlain. The well-being of our campers is top priority, and here are just some of the ways we protect their health and safety:
Background Checks
All Rock Point Camp employees must pass a background check meeting the state regulations set forth by the Vermont Department of Health, the Vermont Department for Children and Families, and The Episcopal Church in Vermont’s Safe Church Policy.
Safe Church Certification
As an entity of The Episcopal Church in Vermont, Rock Point Camp requires each paid staff member and volunteer to be Safe Church Certified. This proprietary safety program is designed to train individuals who work with vulnerable populations, such as children, about the Church’s policies regarding sexual misconduct and abuse of power--policies that extend to Rock Point Camp. Safe Church Policy also outlines steps for preventing abuse and reporting suspected offenses.
Health & Wellness
Whether it’s a scraped knee or, heaven forbid, something worse, Rock Point Camp stays prepared. We have a Health & Wellness Coordinator and/or qualified First Aid trained staff on-site 24 hours-per-day while camp is in session. Experienced senior staff are also always on duty in case of emergencies. Additionally, the Rock Point property is located just minutes away from UVM Medical Center.
This may seem like a no-brainer, but it’s worth mentioning that Rock Point Camp is licensed by the State of Vermont to run a residential camp and day summer camp. Additionally, we have consistently passed our annual inspection of our food services and living spaces conducted by the Vermont Department of Health.
American Camp Association
Rock Point Camp is involved in the American Camp Association (ACA), the country’s leading authority in youth development, on three levels: national, regional, and statewide. As a member of the ACA national organization, we have access to top quality education resources, including the latest information in health and safety. As a member of ACA New England and ACA Vermont, director Sherry Osborn stays current on regional camp trends and takes advantage of continuing education opportunities. Continuing ed topics have included Anxiety & Depression, Aquatic Risk Management; Supporting Transgender Campers and Staff, Preventing Sexual Harassment, Undoing Racism, and more.
Staff Training
Rock Point Camp places a strong emphasis on staff training, as well. Our program include ten days of intensive training, which is three days more than the average camp staff training program. Safety is woven into every training topic from camper behavior, self care, bullying, age appropriate programs, creating a respectful supportive cabin culture to choosing camper activity groups. Bottom line: it is all about supporting physical, emotional, spiritual safety.
Bottom line: it is all about supporting physical, emotional, spiritual safety.
Visit the Rock Point Camp website for schedule, rates, and registration:
