Rock Point Camp is in its 88th year! We are a mission of The Episcopal Church in Vermont and share in the vision of our Rock Point neighbors: To be a welcoming sanctuary of spirituality, creativity, community, education, training and environmental stewardship. Registration for 2019 Camp opens in January. For additional information, pricing, and online registrations...
Visit our website at https://rockpointvt.org/camp
Download our 2019 brochure (also available from our website)
Contact the Rev. Sherry Osborn, director, at (802) 658-6233 or sosborn@diovermont.org.
Descriptions of Camp
Adventurers Day Camp NEW!
For 7-12 year olds who like to be active, work as a team and challenge themselves in a supportive community. Each day we will immerse ourselves in a different adventure: such as water sports (canoe, paddleboard, sailing, fun-yaks); archery & wilderness games; outdoor skills & hiking. 4-Day program: Mon-Thur, 9:00a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Lunch and snacks are provided by the camp.
Day Camp I & II
Rock Point Camp offers two, five day (Mon-Fri) programs for children ages 5-10. The day begins at 9:00 a.m. and ends at 5:00 p.m. Throughout the week, campers will choose from a mix of great age appropriate camp activities in a well supported, safe and welcoming community. Our typical day includes a mix of small and large group experiences such as swimming, arts/crafts, games, funyaks and more. Lunch and morning and afternoon snack are provided by the camp. Limited to 20 children.
Day Camp Plus
Are you an older child but not interested in overnight camp? This is an extended day, age-based camp program for children ages 7-16. Each morning, day campers will join the overnight campers and be fully integrated into camp life. Day Camp Plus runs Sunday through Friday. Sunday 3:00-6:00 p.m; Monday-Thursday 8:00 a.m.-5:00 p.m.; Friday 8:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m. Breakfast, lunch and snacks are provided by the camp.
Overnight Camp
For campers 7-16 year olds. "Sleep away" camp offers a unique experience for a child to immerse themselves in the magic of the classic Rock Point Camp community. This includes making life-long friends, learning new skills, living and playing with a diverse group of peers and a chance to practice being the best they can be while having a ton of fun.
