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Rock Point Intentional Community Hosts Spiritual Retreats

Joining with a larger Wisdom Network:  Over thirty gathered at St. James in Essex Junction for an introduction to a growing wisdom network that has emerged from the leadership and teaching of Cynthia Bourgeault over the past twenty years.  We explored whether we were ready and willing to become a part of this network and to start a branch in Vermont to be centered at Rock Point.  The results of our meeting were the formation of a Wisdom Practice Circle and the planning of a Wisdom School to introduce people to the basic spiritual practices and teaching.

Two steps emerged:  a Wisdom Practice Circle has been established and had its first gathering at Rock Point on December 7 with thirteen participants.  Laura Ruth, a facilitator with Northeast Wisdom, and one or two of our own leaders led the group in spiritual practices that included sacred chant, lectio divina, contemplative prayer, and sacred movement meditation .  This group decided to meet at Rock Point regularly.  All are welcome to join.  The next Wisdom Practice Circle is scheduled for January 4 at the BBCC from 7 to 9 p.m..  A second group is being considered for the fourth Mondays from 5 to 7 p.m.   

A second step, the first Wisdom School at Rock Point, will take place March 11-14, Sunday evening through Wednesday after lunch.  The primary leader will be the Rev. Matthew Wright, a young priest who has been involved in this network for many years.  The intent of the school is to introduce the basic teaching and spiritual practices associated with the Wisdom tradition.  Look for publicity and registration information to be circulated very soon.    

Trail Stewards Program Recruitment:  This program start up is being launched through a $5,000 grant from the Windham Foundation.  Recruitment for trail stewards and plans for their training this spring are underway.  Trail stewards will help provide a presence on the trails during the summer and do light maintenance work, too.  This is one means to help promote guided public use and promote conservation of Rock Point.   Contact Jackie Arbuckle if you are interested in serving as a trail steward:

Signage Planning:  Rock Point will address many different signage needs, including interpretive signs, way-finding signs, trail signs, and informational signs.  Now that the branding work is finished and the logo design underway, we are ready to proceed with sign designs.

Spring Trail re-building:  The Rock Point Board has contracted with Timber and Stone, LLC for the Spring of 2018.  Funded in large part by a Recreational Trail Program Grant of $45,000 and a gift of $15,000 from Holy Trinity Church in Swanton, we will rebuild three sections with the greatest need:  1) the northern section of Eagle Bay; 2) the path to North Beach (Fred’s Beach) alongside the marshland; and 3) the path from the northern end of North Beach to the Parade Ground. 

CRAGVT Climbing Program at Rock Point:  After a lot of hard work forming an agreement, CRAGVT has started a climbing program at Rock Point.  All climbers must register at the kiosk at the diocesan offices parking lot and follow the guidelines outlined for safety and conservation.  The program is limited to one climbing route, near the tip of the peninsula, and will be reviewed in the fall of 2018 to evaluate whether such a program can serve our goals of conservation and sanctuary.



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