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Think About Volunteering!

By Jackie Arbuckle

Volunteer Update

As I write this, our volunteer “season” is in its nearly dormant period. Yes, unlike in many organizations, Rock Point’s volunteers get a chance to slow down, scale back, and take a break. And it happens just as business, school and social life starts ramping up into full swing, holidays are upon us, and the weather either pushes us into an outdoor recreational frenzy, or full-scale hibernation!

In this, our first year with an official volunteer program underway, we established three groups of volunteers: Trail Stewards, Pollinator Docents, and Conference Center (BBCC) Hosts.

And they were busy - from last April through Mid-November, our eighteen volunteers donated

over 500 hours of their time and energy to Rock Point. Not to be crass, but let’s put that in more understandable terms – if we had to hire that help (and one way or another, we would have, because the work had to get done) it would have cost us thousands of dollars. Their help was as if someone had given Rock Point a check for $10,000. And we are grateful beyond words!

The beginning of the year is the time when I start planning for spring training, and getting volunteer groups organized. If you have a couple of hours a week, or every other week, maybe you can consider becoming a Rock Point Volunteer. We need: · Trail Stewards – At least six, and we would really be happy with ten new stewards. Our core group will help me train new recruits and serve as

“buddies” until they’re comfortable on their own. You’ll be helping maintain and monitor the trails, and serve as educational ambassadors to trail users.

· Pollinator Docents – we need four more. You’ll be supervising volunteer planting groups, and helping with tours and teachings in our pollinator meadow and demonstration garden.

· Conference Center (BBCC) Hosts – four more would be great!

It’s a lot of behind the scenes work … washing and folding sheets, getting rooms ready for guests, hospitality to the max! Might even involve some easy candy-making, and editing. And helping guests get set up in their rooms.

Think about getting to wear one of these, one of the t-shirts and contributing to the essence of Rock Point. Drop me an email or give me a call. or 871-0353



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