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By Craig Smith

The Rock Point Intentional Community (RPIC) is open to anyone who is interested in helping to support the Rock Point Vision: To be a welcoming sanctuary of spirituality, creativity, community, education, training, and environmental stewardship.

At present Rock Point Intentional Community (RPIC) currently has several different ministries and initiatives. Among them are:

A Monthly Eucharist at the chapel in the Kerr Building of the Rock Point Center. This usually involves a simplified order of service and a Celtic flavor. Normally held at noon on the second Friday of the month, (on July 12 and August 9 it starts at 6:00 on Friday evening). All are welcome.

Wisdom Practice Circles: These two-hour gatherings include a range of spiritual practices that include centering prayer, chants, sacred movement or dancing, lectio divina, and a short teaching of wisdom subjects that range from Cynthia Bourgeault’s teaching to Gurdjieff to Enneagram to the rule of St. Benedict. These practice circles originated through our connection with Cynthia Bourgeault’s Wisdom School Community. You can find more information at or They take place on the first Thursdays of the month from 5:30 to 7:30 pm (July 4, August 1, September 5) and on the fourth Mondays from 5:00 to 7:00 pm (June 24, July 22, August 26). All are welcome to join.

Rock Point Wisdom School: These three-day retreats are patterned after other Wisdom Network Schools that have grown out of Cynthia Bourgeault’s teaching on the three-centered way of knowing and practices that feed all three centers of spiritual intelligence: heart, mind and body. Our community was formed in response to the increasing polarization in our world and from our desire to intentionally practice and teach a more unitive way of being and engaging. The practices are rooted deep within our traditions while encompassing modern teachers of a wisdom way of knowing, such as Teilhard de Chardin and Gurdjieff. Our next Wisdom School will be held October 27th to October 30th at Rock Point. Please keep an eye out for registration information.

Rock Point Volunteers: Some serve as Pollinator Meadow Docents, some as Hosts at the Conference Center or as Trail Stewards, and others work on the grounds. If you are interested in offering some service, please contact Jackie Arbuckle at

To become a member of the Rock Point Intentional Community, please let Jackie know of your interest. Members are asked to donate $100 a year, or what they can, and to find a way to serve Rock Point in some capacity. Donations support the ministries listed above and the Rock Point Center. If you have an idea for service, please let me know: 5 Rock Pt. Rd., Burlington, 05401.


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