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Temporary Restriction on Vehicles coming on to Rock Point starting May 1, 2020

Starting May 1 Rock Point will be closed to all vehicles* and parking due to COVID19-related circumstances. Walking access for the public will remain open from dawn to dusk each day.  Access to community gardens and the CRAGVT climbing site will continue via alternative parking options (see below).              

* Only Residents, employees, clients, volunteers and service personnel will continue to have vehicular access. Bicyclists may ride into Rock Point Road but all bicycles must be parked at bike stations before the bridge, as bikes are not allowed on Rock Point trails.

Why are we restricting parking?

With Covid19, public demand on open spaces and parks has increased four-fold.  Unfortunately, some users have violated our rules, damaged our property, and/or posed security issues at Rock Point. We do not have the personnel to manage and police the increased traffic, so our only safe option for now is to close Rock Point to all general public traffic and parking.  

In addition, North Beach Campground has been closed as an access point to the beach and bike path to protect the homeless who are being housed there temporarily during this COVID10 crisis.  This has resulted in more traffic on Rock Point Road.  We need to encourage people to use other options so that our road and parking areas are not overwhelmed.

What are other options for parking?

  • Leddy Park is a short walk to Rock Point trails.

  • This map of alternate ways to get to North Beach provides some choices.

  • Parking is allowed in the parking area across from the main parking lot at Burlington High School (see photo)

How long will this restriction be in place? At this point we are unable to identify a specific end-date. We will re-evaluate this action as the situation evolves. We trust and will follow our prudent state and municipal leaders as they make decisions related to COVID19 and public safety.   We will be looking at what measures might work to provide both access and security within our means and will share that plan when it is ready.



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