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Welcome and Thanks to Rock Point Volunteers!

Updated: Jun 27, 2018

by Jackie Arbuckle

If you’ve been out walking on Rock Point’s trails lately, you may have met one of our Trail Stewards. There are six of them so far, and they’re on the job many different hours and days every week.

They may be pruning encroaching branches (or even cutting a tree in the path), or picking up litter, or removing a fireplace where no fires are allowed! They may compliment you on walking with a well-behaved and leashed dog, or ask you to leash yours if it’s running loose. They might ask if you have a trail-pass, or guide you if you can’t figure out where the path goes. They’re already proving to be a valuable and key resource for us and our guests and we love knowing they’re out there! (Here’s what one of them picked up in an hour and a half…)

Hosting for the Bishop Booth Conference Center (BBCC) is a new, official volunteer training program being started. By the end of summer we hope to have ten or twelve hosts helping Tony welcome guests and ensuring their comfort while at the BBCC.

I’m always happy to hear from anyone interested in joining one of these teams!


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