By Jackie Arbuckle
Rock Point Intentional Community Or RPIC (pronounced ‘ripick’) as we call ourselves.
We funnel ideas … sponsor things … get things going. Founded in 2014, The Rock Point Intentional Community (RPIC) is a spiritual community who care about Rock Point and want to serve its vision: “To be a welcoming sanctuary of spirituality, creativity, community, education, training and environmental stewardship.”

As a spiritual community we embrace what is called new monasticism, seeking spiritual connection and depth, alone and together.
Alone, we are dispersed, living in our own homes and communities, following a rule of life
· Praying daily - for ourselves, each other, and Rock Point and its vision.
· Reflecting on aspects of that vision.
· Trying on actions to fulfill that vision.
Individually we may have practices of meditation, religious observance, mindful activity such as yoga, exercise, creative expression.
Together we expand traditional monastic wisdom into forms that can be lived out in contemporary lives.
· Sponsoring a Wisdom School, other retreats, Wisdom Practice Circles, and a monthly Celtic Eucharist
· Supporting Rock Point’s initiatives to care for creation, from pollinators to people in need
RPIC is open to all. Being on our mailing list has no strings attached as long as you can tolerate a couple of emails a month, and is a good way to tap into the pulse of Rock Point.